The fees for obtaining a building permit in Cameroon

If you want to build a building in Cameroon, you need to obtain a building permit or authorization from the local authorities. A building permit is a legal document that authorizes you to start the construction work on your land. It also ensures that your building complies with the urban planning regulations and safety standards.

To obtain a building permit in Cameroon, you need to pay fees that vary depending on the location, type and size of your building. Here are the main fees that you need to plan for:

  • The fiscal stamp to stick on the application form for a building permit. This stamp costs 1000 FCFA and is available at post offices or municipal revenues.
  • The urban planning certificate which confirms that the land is buildable and that it complies with the urban planning rules in force. This certificate costs 25 000 FCFA and is issued by the town hall or urban community on presentation of title deed or contract sale of land.
  • The certificate of ownership which attests that you are legal owner of land. This certificate costs 10 000 FCFA and is issued by land service on presentation title deed or contract sale of land.
  • The percentage of estimated cost construction to be paid to municipal treasury. This percentage is set at 1% total cost building and serves finance public facilities.
  • The fee for joint commission which evaluates your application for building permit. This fee varies according to height building and is set at 25 000 FCFA for bungalow, 50 000 FCFA for one-storey building and 75 000 FCFA for two-storey building or more.

In addition to these fees, you must also plan for cost plans drawn up by architect registered with Order Architects Cameroon, as well as cost geotechnical studies and structural plans if your building exceeds 10 meters height.

Obtaining a building permit in Cameroon may seem expensive, but it is essential to ensure quality and safety your building.

Do you want to construct a building in Cameroon, but don’t know how to obtain your building permit and carry out your project? Put your trust in Tekonstruction ( )

  • With our team of engineers and architects (registered with ONAC and ONIGC), we prepare and submit all the documents (plans, studies and technical specifications, etc.) required to obtain your building permit in compliance with urban planning and safety laws.
  • As contractors, we offer complete construction services for all types of residential, commercial and institutional projects. (Turnkey or hybrid)
  • Monitor and control construction progress in real time.
  • Ensuring the success of your project.

With Tekonstruction, building in Cameroon becomes easy, fast and economical. Contact: Tel: +237 699539299. WhatsApp: +237 699539299, Email:

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